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10 Roadmap

The IVIS roadmap is divided into two main schedules: the game development timeline and the token sale timeline. These two schedules work synergistically to promote the growth and potential of the IVIS ecosystem.

Game Development TimelineGame development will focus on Last Nova, with new titles like the casual game DQN planned for future releases. The development and demonstration events will provide enjoyment for both players and investors.

Token Sale TimelineThe sale schedule for IVIS will proceed in alignment with the game development timeline. This will help secure initial funding and support the growth of game assets.

2025Game ScheduleToken Schedule
2QDubai Game ExpoFirst Sale
3QOpen BetaSecond Sale
4QGrand OpeningThird Sale

The game and token schedules complement each other, creating synergy that helps stabilize the ecosystem. This cyclical process will ultimately allow all participants to engage and share in the value of the IVIS ecosystem.