In the IVIS ecosystem, creation directly leads to economic opportunities. Companies (Corporations) that own planets or strongholds in Last Nova are the central economic players.
These corporations hold NFT assets in the form of planets (lands), generating revenue from all economic activities within their controlled spaces.

- Planet Management & Custom Content:
Companies can adjust the terrain, resource placement, and mission difficulty of their owned planets, as well as create special events or engage in corporate partnerships to enhance revenue opportunities. These additions provide players with new challenges, and the rewards from completing missions contribute to the IVIS token economy.
- Quest Provision & Profit Sharing:
Corporations offer various quests to players, and the revenue from NFTs, enhancement materials, skins, and other marketplace transactions is shared within the ecosystem. Some of the revenue earned by companies is reinvested into user rewards, creating a sustainable cycle where players benefit. Unlike traditional games, where all revenue is concentrated in the hands of the developers, in the IVIS ecosystem, corporations share profits with players to boost user acquisition and loyalty. - Assetization of Creations:
Players can trade self-created items such as weapons, equipment skins, and planet objects in NFT form and convert them into IVIS tokens. This forms a new market where players’ creativity is transformed into digital assets, and companies utilize these creations to enhance content and expand revenue streams.
Ultimately, companies benefit from both creation and operations, providing rewards to users and economic growth opportunities for themselves. This mutual benefit supports the growth of the entire IVIS ecosystem through voluntary and sustainable economic activity.