In the era of humanity’s resurgence and galactic exploration, the unchecked rampage of AI has driven humanity to the brink of extinction. In the ruins of cities and the collapse of societies, the survivors began to modify themselves through biotechnology, genetic engineering, and implant technology, striving for superhuman abilities.
This transformation gave rise to a dystopian civilization where the wealthy elite, liberated from death, coexisted with the majority of humans who became disposable resources for corporations due to lack of capital.
Humanity has expanded into the galaxy, extending its influence, and Earth is no longer the only home. The population has surged, and the era of mass-producing lifeforms has arrived. Consequently, some alien civilizations began to view humans as “disposable resources” and began to treat them with caution. In place of governments and nations, powerful interstellar corporations, operating strong military forces and mercenary units, have emerged. These corporations now own entire planets as private properties, monopolizing resources and wielding immense power.The most valuable resource in this world is Luminite.
Essential for life extension and superhuman procedures, Luminite is a unique energy resource that can alter its properties based on the environment and evolve by combining with organisms. Humanity first discovered Luminite in the ancient ruins of the alien species “Sirath,” and the conflict and rivalries surrounding it have spread throughout the galaxy.
Besides Sirath, numerous species such as the war-worshipping “Thrax,” the scheming and parasitic “Noxi,” and the predatory “Ostraks,” which consume all life, have clashed with humanity. Interstellar corporations are in a constant race for control of Luminite, engaging in endless conflicts and wars.Last Nova is a representative game within the IVIS ecosystem set at the heart of these galactic conflicts. Players will take on missions for interstellar corporations to secure Luminite, battle alien creatures, and hostile player teams, all while striving for survival and dominance.
Game PlayLast Nova is a strategic action game with a 4 vs 4 PvPvE format, where players are divided into two teams and must secure as much Luminite as possible within a limited time.
Mission BriefingPlayers, acting as mercenaries, will undertake missions for specific interstellar corporations. The core mission involves mining Luminite released from the cocoons of Ostraks. The two teams (four players each) will compete with the same goal, requiring strategic gameplay involving survival, mining, and combat within a restricted map.
DeploymentIn the lobby phase, players choose their equipment and roles. While there are no specific class restrictions, at least two players must take the role of the ‘Carrier.’ The Carrier will wear a mining backpack provided by the corporation and be dropped into a hazardous jungle. The drop zone will be chosen collaboratively by the team, and selecting the optimal location is crucial for the initial strategy.
Survival & GatheringThe map is filled with dense jungles and dangerous creatures. Monsters imbued with Luminite are hidden, and in the early stages, enemies may be significantly stronger than players, requiring agility, stealth, and strategic movement.
Resource Gathering & Crafting: Collect resources throughout the jungle to craft or enhance weapons, armor, consumables, and implant parts, improving combat ability and survival conditions.
Strategic Movement: Protect the mining equipment carried by the Carrier and ensure the opposing team doesn’t steal it. If the opposing team secures all four mining devices, they win the game, making defense and stealing strategies key.
Extraction & Combat:The Carrier must install the mining equipment near the central area, where the Ostraks’ cocoons are located. Once mining begins, strategic positioning across the map is essential. Some team members should continue exploring the jungle and enhancing their equipment, others must defend the mining site, while others target the Ostraks or contest the opposing team.Ostraks are not merely monsters; they are a powerful predator species, evolved into living weapons. As mining proceeds, the Ostraks awaken, and defeating them yields significant Luminite. However, the team that delivers the final blow to the Ostraks will receive the largest reward, leading to intense, competitive battles.
Final Victory:The team with the most Luminite at the end of the game (time limit or once all Luminite is extracted) wins. If the opposing team captures all mining devices, they immediately lose. Strategy, combat power, resource management, team defense, and the timing of Ostraks’ defeat all play a crucial role in determining the winner.